Revman 5.3

In this section:RevMan | GRADEpro GDT | Covidence | R | Stata

RevMan is a program designed for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews. It also allows a user to write reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies, reviews of studies of methodology and overviews of reviews. More by: 1xButton, a product of SealSoft Company, allows you to set in design mode and to change in runtime the images for concrete. Example: Review Manager 5 (RevMan 5) Computer program. Copenhagen: Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014. Note: although we now refer to 'Review Manager 5' and 'RevMan 5' in text, the reference ID that should be used for this program remains 'Review Manager 2014'. In addition, RevMan 5.3.5 software was used to conduct the meta-analysis. Results: The near-infrared devices did not significantly improve the first-attempt success rate, number of attempts, or the procedural time of peripheral intravenous access in children.


Revman 5.3.5

Example: Review Manager 5 (RevMan 5) [Computer program]. Version 5.3. Copenhagen: Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014.

Note: although we now refer to 'Review Manager 5' and 'RevMan 5' in text, the reference ID that should be used for this program remains 'Review Manager 2014'.

Reference typeComputer program
English titleReview Manager 5 (RevMan 5)
Date of publication2014
Publisher nameNordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration
City of publicationCopenhagen


Example: GRADEpro GDT [Computer program]. Version accessed 6 August 2016. Hamilton (ON): McMaster University (developed by Evidence Prime). Available at

Reference typeComputer program
English titleGRADEpro GDT
Date of publication

accessed 6 August 2016

Note: when computer programs are browser-based and do not have an explicit version number, supply an accessed date instead of a version number.

Note: do not add 'Version' in Edition field; it is added automatically

Publisher nameMcMaster University (developed by Evidence Prime)
City of publicationHamilton (ON)
MediumAvailable at


Example: Covidence [Computer program]. Version accessed 10 January 2017. Melbourne, Australia: Veritas Health Innovation. Available at

Reference typeComputer program
English titleCovidence
Date of publication

accessed 10 January 2017

Note: when computer programs are browser-based and do not have an explicit version number, supply an accessed date instead of a version number.

Note: do not add 'Version' in Edition field; it is added automatically

Publisher nameVeritas Health Innovation
City of publicationMelbourne, Australia
MediumAvailable at


Example: R: A language and environment for statistical computing [Computer program]. Version 3.4.2. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2017. Available at

Reference typeComputer program
English titleR: A language and environment for statistical computing
Date of publication2017


Publisher nameR Foundation for Statistical Computing
City of publicationVienna, Austria
MediumAvailable at

Revman 5.3 Download


Example: Stata [Computer program]. Version 15. College Station, TX, USA: StataCorp, 2017. Available from

Revman 5.3 slow
Reference typeComputer program
English titleStata
Date of publication2017


Publisher nameStataCorp
City of publicationCollege Station, TX, USA
MediumAvailable at
Section info
John Hilton (

Revman 5.3 Forest Plot

Updated GRADEpro GDT reference, to remove 'Date of publication' to make it consistent with other web-based software.
27 June 2019

Revman 5.3 Gratis Descargar


We've today heard that RevMan 5.2 will be released this year, not RevMan 6 as previously announced. The main changes to this version will affect Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) reviews and so unlikely to affect many of our authors as we currently have no DTA reviews registered. Here's more detail from the message we received today:

For authors of ongoing DTA reviews, upgrading to RevMan 5.2 will be mandatory and will feature some important changes to the tool for assessing study quality. The DTA group will shortly be circulating updated advice to DTA review authors and MEs about these changes. Published DTA reviews will not need to be converted to RevMan 5.2 until they are republished.

For authors of intervention, overview and methodology review types this release will be optional.

The changes being implemented in RevMan 5.2 will be detailed further and circulated prior to its release.

Revman Manager 5.3

An all entities message will shortly be circulated announcing this change and outlining plans for developing RevMan 6, including an invitation to suggest items for the RevMan wishlist. RevMan 6 is scheduled for release in 2014.