Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook


From Android to LinkedIn App or Android to Facebook App? Whichever it may be you will need an android hash key facebook and package name to login using social elements. I hope you all are familiar with android studio or eclipse and required java and SDK required to run an android application. Generate Key Hash for Facebook: In Linux, Open Terminal: For Debug Build: keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl base64. Delete any app on the website of Facebook ( Delete the file debug.keystore under C: Users; Generate a new key (by running your app again) Create a new app on and add the new hash key; Re-run your app; Succes!

How to generate release key hash or sha1 for Facebook in the android studio, This section of the tutorial explains you how to get Key Hashes for the Android Facebook app. Facebook SDK integration to android requires a key hash configuration.

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Android

While integrating Facebook SDK, we need to configure Facebook API console with Key Hash. If a key hash is missing you will get App mis-configured error in the Facebook dashboard.


Download the facebook-android-sdk and configured a new app. In the application, settings enable the “Native android app” and enable for Facebook login and deep linking. It asks for key hashes, and I’m stuck. After spending a generous amount of time, I have found two solutions to get the key hashes.

How to get Development Key Hashes and Release Key Hash for android app Facebook In Hindi

  • Download OpenSSL from Google code (If you have a 64-bit machine you must download OpenSSL-0.9.8e X64, not the latest version)
  • Extract it. Create a folder- OpenSSL in C: / and copy all files here
  • Find “debug.keystore” file path. Most likely it will be inside “” folder. However, if you still don’t find then perform a search. I am sure you are lucky enough to get it.
  • Find keytool.exe path. It will be inside your java/bin directory. In my system it is under “C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_30bin”
  • Open command prompt (Run-> cmd->start) and go to java /bin folder (cd “C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_30bin” command will do it for you)
  • Now you run the below command.

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Lite

  • Provide password (android), as when you are prompted. You are done. It will generate you the key-hash

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Pc

How to get Development Key Hashes and Release Key Hash for android app Facebook In Hindi

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Messenger

Alternative Method and its 100% working