Best Parkour Games

Parkour is an awesome sport. The freedom of movement you get when you move through an environment can’t be matched by any other feeling.

The one thing that can come close to the feeling of doing parkour in real life is playing a game where parkour is part of how you move around an environment.

Top 4 best parkour games online reviews. Mirror’s Edge – Playstation 4. Watch Dogs – Playstation 3. WB Games Dying Light – Xbox One. Kinect Adventures – Xbox 360. Hover - Open world Parkour adventure game! Single/multiplayer - PC Mac Steam Key. Marble Run Game Machine Model Kit Parkour LG504 3D Wooden Laser Cut Hob.

I don’t know about you but I like it when a game allows you to move fluidly through it using some awesome parkour moves.


It’s a good alternative to doing it in real life because not everyone can do parkour. It’s not an easy sport to get started in so a lot of people don’t even try.

It’s difficult to get started if you’re too old.

It doesn’t stop there. It’s also hard to learn parkour if you’re overweight even parkour can definitely help you lose the extra weight you’ve gained from playing too many parkour games and not working out.

You also need to think about what kinds of clothing you have to wear for your parkour training.

There are guides you can use to get started and that can make it way easier to learn the basics of parkour that any beginner can get good at.

Luckily, there are a lot of games with parkour that you can play today.

The best part about doing parkour in games is that you can jump around on rooftops without dying and hurting yourself. You won’t end up like the people that have died from risky parkour.

You can also avoid some of the reasons why parkour can be bad for you.

Parkour is not in every game but it feels so good when you’re able to move using parkour in a game. It’s so much easier to get around the game’s world when you can actually climb and vault over obstacles in your path.

Most games only allow you to run and do basic jumps. That can get boring very quickly if you love the freedom of being able to traverse the world fast using parkour.

In this article, we are going to cover games for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation that have awesome parkour in them. Here’s a full list of the parkour games you can play included in this article:

  • Storror Parkour Pro
  • Free Running
  • Mirror’s Edge & Mirror’s Edge
  • Dying Light
  • Assassin’s Creed Series
  • Watch Dogs Series
  • Prince of Persia Series
  • Titanfall & Titanfall 2
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Middle-Earth Series
  • Ghostrunner
  • Sunset Overdrive
  • Brink

Storror Parkour Pro

Most games with parkour in them aren’t games about parkour. The developers for those games saw the popularity of parkour and decided to add it to them to make their movement systems better.

This is not a bad thing. I’m not going to complain about being able to do parkour in a game.

The only problem is that parkour is not the main focus of those games. It’s just a part of the game. It’s out in them to make moving around in the game better.

But not anymore. Storror Parkour Pro fixes that. It only focuses on parkour so you won’t be going around shooting people or doing other gamey stuff.

It’s just pure parkour in this game.

You might be thinking that it’s not a good thing but that isn’t true.

Skaters have Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and Skate. Snowboarders have Steep, SSX, and Shaun White Snowboarding. Motorcrossers have MXGP 2020, MX vs. ATV, and Nail’d.

All those games are doing very well even though they don’t have shooting and all the other gamey stuff.

A pure parkour game fits right in especially if you compare it to skating. Skating games are fun and parkour is like skating without a skateboard.

So it makes sense that a game with just parkour would be fun to play as well.

Storror Parkour Pro has an open world that you can explore and do parkour in. You’ll also be able to recreate some of the best moments that Storror, the parkour team that’s behind developing the games, have experienced in their YouTube videos.


Storror is developing the game without any major publishers and corporations to give themselves full control of the direction of the game.

This means that gamers that love parkour will get a pure parkour game without any of the bad things that game publishers push on the game to make more money without any regard for the players.

The game is still in development so you can’t play it right now but I had to add it to this list because it’s the best news to come out for parkour gamers.

  • Developers: Storror
  • Publishers: Storror
  • Platforms: PC, Xbox and PlayStation

Free Running

This game is old… Very old. It was released in 2007 back in the PlayStation 2 and Xbox era and it shows.

The graphics suck if you compare it to the games that are coming out now with photo-realistic graphics and high-end tech features like ray tracing.

If you love good graphics and watching how good the games you play look as you play then this game is going to leave you disappointed.

It hasn’t aged well at all and doesn’t even hold a candle to how games look today.

But if you love doing parkour in games then you can give this game a chance. It’s got a lot of the popular parkour moves that you see online.

It’s the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater of parkour without a big budget and fans to go with it.

That means that it doesn’t play as well as a lot of games that you’ve played.

The movement can be very clunky at times and the game doesn’t flow as well it should even for a game that came out at the time.

This is not the type of game you play because you want the best game ever.

It’s a game you play because you love parkour and you want a game you can go wild and do tricks you could never do in real life.

As bad as it may look, it’s gotten 8/10 on Steam so it’s definitely worth checking out.

  • Developers: Core Design and Rebellion Developments
  • Publishers: Ubisoft, Reef Entertainment, and Rebellion Developments
  • Platforms: PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows and Wii

Mirror’s Edge Series

I remember when I played Mirror’s Edge for the first time.

There were a lot of games with parkour in them when it came out. Assassin’s Creed was going strong. Prince of Persia had legendary status.

Mirror’s Edge was different.

There was combat in it but it wasn’t the focus like the other games with parkour in them. It also had a major edge over those games. The rest were all third person. It was first-person.

It was unlike anything else I’ve played before.

I’d never experienced such freedom in a game. The movement system was perfect. The graphics and feel of the game were breathtaking.

I could finally experience jumping from rooftop to rooftop without leaving my bedroom.

It all felt very real. The first-person camera made me feel like it was me doing those amazing jumps.

If you love doing parkour in your games and you haven’t played Mirror’s Edge before then you’re definitely missing out on the best parkour games you can play.

It was the first game to do parkour from a first-person perspective and it’s the reason why first-person parkour is popular today.

It paved the way for including fluid movement systems in first-person games.

The gameplay is smooth in Mirror’s Edge and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst improves on it.

Running around in the environments and seeing how well you can get from one side of the game to another is so fun, you’ll want to keep trying to see how much better you can get every time.

Mirror’s Edge wasn’t an open-world game though.

You had set courses to traverse and you couldn’t go anywhere outside the courses. It’s not a bad thing because those courses are so well designed that you won’t even care.

But for the people that love the freedom that comes with an open world, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has got your back. You can do amazing first-person parkour without any restrictions.

It’s also one of the few first-person games where looking down actually shows you your character’s body.

I recommend that you check out Mirror’s Edge and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst today for some awesome parkour gameplay.

  • Developers: DICE
  • Publishers: Electronic Arts
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows


I included STRIDE after Mirror’s Edge for a reason.

It’s like Mirror’s Edge except it’s made for VR. And you know what that means. You get even more immersion for your buck.

STRIDE looks like Mirror’s Edge and plays similarly to it. The biggest difference is that the movement system has to work in VR. How you move with a VR Headset is different from how you move with just a screen.

The camera is also made for VR because a normal first-person camera doesn’t work exactly like A VR camera and that obviously has to be taken into account.

That being said, the movement is smooth in STRIDE.

You can’t really see parkour moves that your character does but if you know parkour you can fill in the gaps and actually make pretty good guesses about which moves they do compared to how you would do them in real life.

But just because you can’t see the moves it doesn’t mean you’ll struggle to move.

Joy Way worked really hard to make moving around in the game environment smooth and it shows in how quickly you can get from one side of the game to the other.

  • Developers: Joy Way
  • Publishers: Joy Way
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4 and Microsoft

Dying Light

What would happen if you mixed Mirror’s Edge and The Walking Dead?

You’d get Dying Light and a ton of fun to go with it.

Dying Light is a first-person, open-world, action survival game where you go up against flesh-eating zombies in a post-apocalyptic world.

If you’ve ever wondered how parkour can help you survive a zombie apocalypse, this game was made for you.

You can try to go commando and attack the zombies with all the melee weapons the game makes available to you but this is no Call of Duty game.

The zombies are powerful, relentless and hungry for your flesh so you’re going to have to be careful about how you go against them.

It’s not as simple killing every zombie you see on screen. Dying Light won’t make that easy for you. Sometimes it just makes more sense to avoid them or run away if you get caught up in a fight with them.

That’s why it’s important that you can run away from them efficiently otherwise you’d end up getting easily overwhelmed by many aggressive zombies.

That means that the parkour mechanics in the game has a reason to be in there besides being a way to get around the world.

  • Developers: Techland
  • Publishers: Techland and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, and Linux

Assassin Creed Series

Assassin’s Creed has been around for a very long time. There are 12 main games and 14 spin-offs. I don’t even know how you could begin playing all these games.

But if you have the patience you could through all of them and have a good time doing parkour in cities like Paris, Venice and London.

But not in the modern day versions of the cities though, you get to do parkour in these cities as they were hundreds of years ago.

The architecture in the Assassin’s Creed games is mostly always perfect for parkour. it was one of the first games to make parkour the main part of how you get around the world.

It was also the first game to get parkour movement mechanics right. The parkour in Assassin’s Creed is always smooth. It’s a bit slower in the older games like the first and the second one but it takes more skill too so it can be more fun for people who like games with a higher skill curve.

The latest three Assassin’s Creed games (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla) have less emphasis on parkour so you won’t be doing it like you used to in the previous version.

And they are less about sneaking around and killing your targets using stealthy assassinations and more about RPG elements and combat heavy encounters with enemies.

Some people even say they aren’t really Assassin’s Creed games anymore because they are very different from the games that came before them.

But the “classic” Assassin’s Creed shows you how parkour skills could be useful if you were an assassin who had to be able to climb into secured areas, kill your target and then be fast and agile enough to run away from the guards after you’ve done your job.

  • Developers: Ubisoft
  • Publishers: Ubisoft
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Google Stadia, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, and Linux

Watch Dogs Series

Watch Dogs 1 & 2 is the result of taking the parkour mechanics of Assassin’s Creed and made it more modern, then added guns and the ability to hack your environment and mixed it together.

Watch Dogs Legion is the result of taking Watch Dogs 1 & 2 and adding in the ability to play as anyone in the game world.

I like to think of the Watch Dogs series as the modern version of Assassin’s Creed.

It was developed and published by Ubisoft, the same company that developed and published the Assassin’s Creed games, so it makes sense that the games would share a similar identity.

You can climb up some buildings in the games and sneak around quietly before taking out your enemies without anyone knowing then quickly get away using your parkour skills.

You can also use parkour vaults to attack enemies that are hiding in cover.

I never thought a parkour vault could be used as a weapon until I saw it being used in Watch Dogs. I don’t know how effective vault kicking somebody in real life would work out but it works very well in Watch Dogs.

They are open-world GTA-like games with extra flair of their own. In Watch Dogs, you get to hack the city you play in and take control of pretty much much any piece of technology to use to outsmart your enemies.

If you’ve ever wanted to play a modern Assassin’s Creed, this is the closest you can get to it.

Best parkour games reddit
  • Developers: Ubisoft
  • Publishers: Ubisoft
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Google Stadia, Wii U, Nintendo Switch and Linux

Prince Of Persia Series

Prince of Persia was the original Assassin’s Creed. In fact, Assassin’s Creed was born when Ubisoft was trying to come up with an open-world version of Prince of Persia.

This game is very old. It’s older than I am and it might even be older than you are.

The first Prince of Persia came out in 1989 back when 3D graphics in games didn’t exist. The first Prince of Persia could be considered a bad game by some people in today’s standards because games were still very new at this time.

But it’s still a classic game that created a very popular game franchise. It was popular throughout the 90s but it became what it’s known for today in 2003.

Best parkour games on pc

This was when Ubisoft got the rights to create Prince of Persia games and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was born.

It has sold over 14 million copies since its release and is one of Ubisoft’s well-known games especially by anyone who was gaming in the early 2000s.

I wish I could say the same about it today but unfortunately, it’s not as popular as it once was and it’s now overshadowed by Assassin’s Creed.

The parkour in Prince of Persia is not that same as doing it in real life though. It’s closer to the old-school type of platforming that you get in games from the late 90s and early 2000s than it is to the parkour you get in modern games.

But that’s where modern parkour in games came from so it’s safe to say it works regardless.

  • Developers: Ubisoft
  • Publishers: Ubisoft
  • Platforms: Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo, Linux, and more

Titanfall & Titanfall 2

The Titanfall series of games are the most underestimated first-person shooters in existence today. It’s been ignored for Call of Duty and Battlefield simply because it doesn’t have the popularity that matches those games.

It probably has the best movement system of any first-person shooter and Call of Duty even tried copying it and completely failed at it in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

That’s how good it is.

The first Titanfall is a multiplayer only game released in 2014. It seems like any other multiplayer first-person shooter at first glance.

But it isn’t. It has a better movement system than most and you can use Titans. Titans are massive humanoid machines that your character can use to completely dominate the competition.

They are like the mechas you find in a lot of anime except realized in a first-person shooter. If you’ve ever thought about what it would be like to use a walking tank in Call of Duty then Titanfall is the game you should play.

The movement system is similar to Mirror’s Edge but it doesn’t have the same amount of depth of parkour. It makes sense though. Mirror’s Edge is a game where movement is the core focus and shooting is pretty much nonexistent.

Titanfall’s movement system has to take shooting into account and complement it. The game does that very well and that leads to some of the most intense competitive multiplayer gameplay I’ve seen in a first-person shooter.

Titanfall 2 is no slouch either. The same movement mechanics are in it too and they are as good as the first game. Maybe even better.

Respawn Entertainment added one of the best single-player campaigns of any first-person shooter, unlike Call of Duty and Battlefield. Those games seem to have a single-player campaign slapped on as an afterthought just so they can be there.

I’m not saying that some of them aren’t good. The first Modern Warfare and Black Ops 1 and 2 had very good campaigns.

I can’t say the same for Battlefield though. Maybe the Bad Company games had good single-player campaigns but the rest aren’t that good.

Best Parkour Games On Ps4

Titanfall 2 goes above and beyond to deliver a great single-player campaign with a great story, movement mechanics, and an environment that fits those mechanics very well.

It’s not pure parkour but it’s the best parkour-like movement you’ll find in a first-person shooter.

  • Developers: Respawn Entertainment
  • Publishers: Electronic Arts
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows

Sleeping Dogs

This game is slept on, pun intended. Sleeping Dogs is a great game that doesn’t get the accolades and sales that it deserves.

It makes sense though because most people would rather play GTA and not give this game a chance. It’s a shame though because it’s an awesome game.

People like comparing it to GTA because it has the same kind of gameplay but this game is different enough that it can stand on its own.

The parkour in Sleeping Dogs is very good. It’s not like the type you get in Assassin’s Creed where you just press a button and go.

There is some skill and timing involved and that makes it more fun if you ask me.

It’s also more realistic and has more weight to it. You can tell the developers wanted to capture how parkour works in real life.

The melee combat is also very good. If you like beat-em-up style combat in games then Sleeping Dogs has you covered.

You can unlock combos as you progress through the game and that comes with cool ways to take out your enemies.

All-in-all, it is a good game and you should give it a try if you haven’t played it before.

  • Developers: Respawn Entertainment
  • Publishers: Electronic Arts
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows

Middle-Earth Series

If you had to take Assassin’s Creed and put in the Lord of The Rings, you’d get the Middle-Earth games. You can clearly see where Monolith Productions got the inspiration for the parkour mechanics in their games.

But you’d be crazy to think that Middle-Earth is just a clone of Assassin’s Creed.

It’s both Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Middle-Earth Shadow of War are based on the Lord of The Rings lore so it has different stories to tell than stories about assassins.

You can expect to be fighting Uruks which make Sauron’s army and they are very different from the aristocrats and guards you find in Assassin’s Creed.

One of the key features of the game is the Nemesis System where NPCs that you battle against react to your actions as you progress through the game world.

The system tracks the interactions you have with the Uruk armies and procedurally creates unique scenarios based on those interactions.

Let’s say you had an encounter with an Uruk army. The Uruk soldiers will just be cannon fodder and won’t mean much. That’s until one of them succeeds in killing you or survives an encounter with you.

That soldier will be promoted and given special abilities that make him more difficult to fight. They will have different strengths and weaknesses that you have to take into account before going into battle with him.

Even though the parkour mechanics in the Middle-Earth games is very similar to Assassin’s Creed, the Nemesis system and the game environment are unique enough to make it different from Assassin’s Creed.

  • Developers: Monolith Productions
  • Publishers: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Linux, and OS X


Best Parkour Games Free

Ghostrunner is a cyberpunk inspired game where you take control of a cybernetically enhanced super ninja whose job is to use those enhancement and his trusty sword to cut through as many enemies as possible.

This is a very fast paced game where your ability to use your parkour skills is as much a weapon as the sword you wield.

Momentum is the key to staying and standing still for longer than a second could end up with you dead and having to respawn and trying again.

Luckily the enemies only take one hit to kill so you can speed through the game’s environment without ever needing to stop.

But don’t think being able to kill enemies with one hit makes this game easy.

You’ll have to be clever about how you approach every encounter with them and use parkour to avoid getting killed by them all without taking a moment to stop and think.

  • Developers: One More Level, 3D Realms, and Slipgate Ironworks
  • Publishers: All in! Games SA, 505 Games, and Tempex
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Android, and Microsoft Windows

Sunset Overdrive

Fun is the best way to explain this game. It’s colorful, it’s bombastic and has an attitude to go with it.

Sunset Overdrive is an open-world Xbox exclusive with some of the best parkour mechanics you’ll find in any game today even though it was released at the beginning of the 8th console generation (Xbox One and PS4 generation).

You get to completely and utterly destroy zombie-like monsters in some of the most stylish ways. It takes some skill to sting kill combos together while you’re doing parkour.

And like Ghostrunner, it’s important that you stay moving. Standing still won’t do you any favors. You’ll get overrun easily because these monsters are relentless.

They always come in numbers. They will swarm you easily and punish you for standing still. Your guns can’t save you in that situation.

Movement is a weapon as much as your guns and using the environment to get better angles to take out your enemies and you’ll get reward with style points for doing that.

  • Developers: Insomniac Games, and Blind Squirrel Games
  • Publishers: Xbox Game Studios
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and Microsoft Windows


I left this game for last for a reason.

I remember seeing the trailers for Brink before it came out. I was amazed. It promised to bring innovation in game with how you move around and this was before parkour became really popular in games.

Best Parkour Games Roblox

I was really excited for this game. I kept following up on the updates to make sure I was ready for its release. Every update I saw got even more excited.

Then the first round of reviews started coming out.

Best Parkour Games On Xbox 1

I was expecting stellar reviews.

But I was disappointed. Really disappointed by what I saw. Most of the reviews were bad and lost all hope with the game.

I stopped caring about it.

I didn’t leave this game for last because it’s the best. I left it for last because it’s a disappointment.

Best Parkour Games 2021

It had lots of potential but most of it wasn’t realized. It could’ve been one of the best first-person shooters that came out that year.

It could have innovated but it didn’t.

But you can check it because some of the movement mechanics the game was aiming for could have been great.

  • Developers: Splash Damage
  • Publishers: Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Microsoft Windows